Since the company was founded in 1920, there are few products that Carling Technologies hasn’t turned “ON” and fewer industries that haven’t turned to Carling for solutions. With four ISO and TS registered manufacturing facilities and technical sales offices worldwide, Carling now ranks among the world’s largest, privately owned manufacturers of hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers, thermal circuit breakers, electrical switches, electronic switches, miniature and subminiature switches, power distribution units, digital switching systems and electronic controls.
Carling’s breadth and depth of standard product offerings gives customers literally millions of configuration choices to meet the demands of its strategic markets, including a comprehensive switch portfolio featuring the well known and versatile V-Series Contura; the fully sealed W-Series; the addressable N-Series; the L-Series, a snap-in rocker switch; and a full line of miniature and sub-miniature switches. All switches are available in countless unique options, including choices for ratings, circuits, colors, illuminations and laser etched legends.
Carling Technologies also manufactures a wide variety of hydraulic/magnetic and thermal circuit breakers that are used in military and construction environments, marine vehicles, photovoltaic systems, and power generators among other applications.
If the standard product does not meet the application requirements, the engineering team at Carling has the expertise to provide custom design and manufacturing solutions guaranteed to fit your OEM design requirements. With the extensive field knowledge and resources available, Carling Technologies can ensure the products created for the customer are superior in the industry, without costly secondary operations or modifications. Carling’s commitment to excellence consistently delivers “Quality by Design,” the company mission.